
France, 1940. A young French couple are escaping the ravages of the second world war and the destruction of their tiny village.

Fleeing the atrocities and the death and loss of all they hold dear, they run as hard and as fast as they can across the country, eventually finding themselves in the remains of a ruined building - Chateau Tatar.

It is inhabited by the last remaining member of the family who owned it. But they also find it is the home of a small group of soldiers from apparently different sides who appear to be seeking refuge from … what?

The young couple soon come to discover that with the chateaux, its owner and the soldiers, there are many unanswered questions … and secrets. Old secrets. Dark secrets. Secrets which, as they are disclosed, will shake their relationship, their faith and all they hold dear. More importantly, secrets which will challenge their understanding of good and of evil; of life and death, of love … and of Chateau Tatar.

For they realise that it is not only people who have memories.

So do places.

And the reasons are darker, much darker than they could possibly ever think.

Soul Without End premiered at Guide Bridge Theatre, Tameside between 6th - 11th February 2017

Please note that the script for this play is contained within the published collection from the author, 'The First Ten Plays' which can be provided at cost from this site by going to the 'In Print' tab.

To find out more about performing this pay, details of the piece on the publishers website can be accessed by clicing HERE

Gallery photographs courtesy of Colin Smith.

The artwork for this play is a specially commissioned piece produced by the artist Victoria Mironenko.



"Was gripped from the start"

"Eerie, well written, great performances, amazing set. Thoroughly enjoyed 'Soul Without End'; great piece of theatre"

"Deep and meaningful"

"A Triumph. Applause to the cast and crew for keeping us transfixed"

"Eerie tale with a surprise twist" 

"...suitably eerie to create an atmosphere of suspense, drama and intrigue...a play that certainly left the audience something to think about"

Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester (May 2016) – script feedback

“SOUL WITHOUT END was an ambitious, epic and theatrical piece of work which connects on a number of levels through its exploration of the universal theme of struggle between good and evil in the complexity and contradictions of human life.  The theatrical structure is operatic and grand and has an ambitious sweep across the narrative.  It is a thought provoking piece in terms of its exploration of conflict and human barbarism which resonates with so much of today’s world news.”