"Sophie has awoken in a wood. Hallowtide Wood.
She has no memory of when, how she came to be there.
In the dark, in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by confusion, she is discovered by Georgia who isn’t lost exactly but appears to have lost herself.
Cut off in the enforced solitude and isolation of their surroundings, it’s more than the woods which appear to be creating shadows.
And it is not long before the lines between reality and recollections begin to blur.
What can be believed?
Who should be believed?
What have they accidentally stumbled into?
That is, if they ever did stumble.
If it ever was an accident.
For some things are never really what they seem.
Especially on All Hallows Eve.
Especially in Hallowtide Wood."


It is set in the present day. There are no particular staging requirements and it is written to be performed in any space, but ideally, a black box. 
Wardrobe is casual and anything specific is indicated within the directions. 
Minimal personal props are also indicated. 
As the piece is set in a wood during the night, lighting is minimal and does not vary. Some SFX are suggested at the beginning and end.
The performance would be enhanced by the use of (say) tree gobos. Lighting is tight and the periphery of the playing area should be in darkness
The play is suitable to be performed on its own (ideal for Festivals) but has been specifically written to be paired with another of my (one act) works, 'Darkness Visible.' 
Both are written for two women with the expectation that the same two actors will perform in both plays. Their playing ages are quite flexible and simply need to be matched.
One evening. Two plays. Two stories. Two women. One outcome.

RUNNING TIME: Approx 40 minutes


Sophie: playing age between 20 - 40. She initially presents as raw, edgy, uncomplicated, slightly immature; quick witted and streetwise. The character dramatically changes towards the end as her true nature and intentions are revealed, even with flavours of schadenfreude.

Georgia: playing age between 20 - 40. She is caring, genuine, honest, at times nervous, mature, in some ways. Vulnerable? Her intentions and nature are not initially clear as that is the story. But even in the fear and uncertainty of the resolution, she retains her sincerity.

NOTE: This play has been written to suit the requirements of a festival or to accompany another play to make a complete evening. It was specifically written/designed to accompany another of my plays ‘Darkness Visible’, two unconnected stories but with settings which can be used for both with little variation.